Welcome to

Cara Doula Support,

Hypnobirthing Teacher and Postnatal Doula

Sinéad Murphy.

Providing personalised and tailormade care and support to you and your family during pregnancy andafter the birth of your baby

About Sinéad

I am a Hypnobirthing teacher and a postnatal doula, as well as a wife and a mum to three girls. My aim is to provide a friendly shoulder to lean on in the first days and weeks after the birth of your baby. The fourth trimester is a sacred window of time in which the woman transitions into the mother, the mother is also born along with the new baby. In many cultures this transition is recognised and the mother is held and supported by a circle of women, family and friends, during this time. I hope I can be a part of your village, that holds and supports you during your transition into motherhood.

Providing you with the support you need in the 4th trimester

I am here to hold and support you as you adjust to life with a newborn. I am here to listen and provide space for you and your partner to process the life-altering experience you have both been through. I am here to nourish you, feed you and support you in your recovery. I am here to take the daily load from you so you can take care of and bond with your baby. I am here to support you on a breastfeeding journey if that is what you choose. I am here to encourage you and build your confidence - until you no longer need me to be here.

What is a postpartum doula?

A postpartum doula is a non-medical professional who can provide physical and emotional support following the birth of your baby. It is more common now to give birth to your baby with a very limited, if any, support network around you, as so many people no longer live in the same area as their extended families. As a postpartum doula my aim is to help increase the awareness around the normality of motherhood, particularly early motherhood and supporting mothers and their families to take control of their own postpartum journey.

What is Hypnobirthing with Sinéad?

Hypnobirthing with Sinéad is a complete antenatal course that not only covers the basics of birth and how it works physically, but it also trains your mindset to be more positive and comfortable with labour and birth, and gives you techniques to practice that will really prepare you and your partner for when the time comes. If you are anxious about birth or have any fear related to pregnancy or birth, hypnobirthing can help to release the fear and prepare your mind for birth, it is important for your mind as well as your body to be ready for birth! This course also prepares you for navigating the maternity system in Ireland.

The transition to motherhood - matrescence

Matrescence is the process of becoming a mother. It involves a metamorphosis, a change that happens physically, hormonally, mentally, emotionally - even the structure of your brain changes - to adapt to becoming a mother. The idea that you can return to who you once were before motherhood is wholly unrealistic. Instead you have grown into this newer version of yourself - but to truly realise the full potential of this new you, you need to feel supported, seen and heard in your motherhood journey. Planning for this postpartum period and putting the framework in place that allows you to be nurtured as the mother is fundamental to the process. Your experience of birth can also have a huge impact on your experience of early motherhood - this is why I am now offering a comprehensive hypnobirthing course to prepare you for a calm and comfortable birth and a peaceful transition for your baby to the outside world! How you are born really matters and using the techniques of hypnobirthing can help you to achieve the best version of birth for you and your baby.

Rates &Services

I provide a range of services to support you in your birth and postpartum journey.

Hypnobirthing with Sinéad
Online Course starting 26th August

A complete antenatal course for you and your partner from the comfort of your own home, also available on playback so you won't miss out if something comes up or if your partner isn't available at the time.

Special Introductory Offer available now until 31st July - €195 (Includes hypnobirthing book, course manual and birth affirmation cards)

Hypnobirthing at home - 1:1 bespoke course

Contact Sinéad to ask about availability for this unique antenatal course tailored to your own specific needs or wishes, available in person in your own home in the Kildare/Dublin area, or online. For details email sinead@caradoulasupport.ie or send a message to 0879231516

Postpartum Planning Workshop

Online or in-person, a 3 hour workshop with both partners. Includes a planning guide and workbook.

3 hours | €120

Postpartum Support Packages

In-person support visits to your home, 3 levels of support available - 3 visits, 5 visits or 7 visits. Each visit is 4 hours.

All packages include a postpartum planning workshop and virtual support for the duration of the package.

Grace package - 3 x 4hr visits | €450

Rose package - 5 x 4hr visits | €750

Eve Package - 7 x 4hr visits | €1050

Virtual Support Package

Support provided via text, voice note, video or voice calls.

1 day | €40 

Day by Day Support

If you want to take it day by day this option lets you book one visit at a time, each visit is 4 hrs. Subject to availability.

Postpartum planning workshop and virtual support for the duration of the package.

4 hrs | €160

Breastfeeding Support Packages

In-person support visits to your home, each visit is 4 hours.

Bespoke package tailored to your individual needs as a family. Contact Sinéad for more details - starting from €160

All packages include a postpartum planning workshop and virtual support for the duration of the package.

Prepare for your life after the birth of your baby.

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